The Council was founded as Chief Justice White Council and was chartered in 1925. In 2020 Our council name was changed to John F. Kennedy. Our roots come from a men's club that used to meet in the basement of the old St Joseph School building in Bogota. After meeting there for 4 years the men were asked to leave due to the fact that St Josephs needed the space. The 20 or so members decided to form a Knights of Columbus Council. Through a few difficult obstacles the Charter was granted and a name was selected. Chief Justice Edward Douglas White of Louisiana was selected as our namesake. his family was contacted and their consent was given and our council was born. We began as a council with 84 members, 71 of whom were insurance members. The location of the council has changed a few times. Up until 1963, the council hall was located at 375 Palisade ave in Bogota. After that, we moved into our current location at 829 Windsor Rd Teaneck. Our Council has sponsored many events thru the years. In our early years, our council participated in bowling, baseball, and basketball. Also, Chief Justice White Council was the first to introduce amateur boxing bouts in Bergen County in the 1920s. The Council has had ups and downs through its more the 80 years of existence. It has survived its members fighting in many wars, it survived the depression, it has seen our country grow and flourish. All the while standing tall as a strong Catholic fraternal organization.
In our last year, we have seen a new resurgence under our current leadership. New vigor and interest in our Council has been established. At present we have over 200 members and our numbers are steadily increasing. We have entered the digital age with our own website, Twitter, and Facebook accounts. We still sponsor fundraisers and events such as dances and trips to baseball games. We are active in our community doing charity work with veterans and the homeless in our area. The dream of this council I believe is one that is ever-growing, from our humble beginnings 86 years ago we still strive to be good catholic gentlemen in all facets of our lives.
I wonder what our founding members would think of our council today? I'm sure they would be proud and thankful that so many great men have kept our organization strong through the years! I know I am.
Upcoming Events

Join us at Knights of Columbus complex for a day of food, fun and Santa!
John F. Kennedy Council Conducts Diaper Drive
During January and February 2023, our council conducted a Diaper Drive
in support of mothers who have chosen to have their babies and are in
need of help. The council collected disposable diapers, pre-moistened
baby wipes, baby food, baby clothes and toys, and other similar products
for our Dignity of Life Diaper Drive.
The Diaper Drive ran from the weekend of January 7-8 through February
18-19, with collection boxes placed in the church vestibules at St.
Joseph Church, Bogota; St. Anastasia Church, Teaneck; and Holy Trinity
Church, Hackensack.
The collection was a tremendous success, with hundreds of boxes of
diapers, baby wipes, baby food, lotions, clothes, and toys donated.
Donations were distributed to the Archdiocese's Mercy House and to
Birthright of Bergen County.
On behalf of these mothers and children who need our support, we thank
our brother Knights and fellow parishioners for their kindness and charity.

President Walter Haase
Vice President Gary Kamboorian
Secretary Joseph Kelly
Treasurer Nicholas Barese
Executive Board Members:
Paul Angeli
Andrew Lavin
Grand Knight - Andrew Lavin
Deputy Grand Knight - Ethan Malveaux
Chancellor - Kenneth O'Donnell
Recorder - Joseph Kelly
Financial Secretary - Stephen Weisenbach
Treasurer - Paul Angeli
Advocate - Stephen Gladis
Warden - Thomas Sontag
Inside Guard - Michael Cullen
Outside Guard - Joseph Penalba
One Year Trustee - Eugene O'Reilly
Two-Year Trustee - Nicholas Barese
Three-Year Trustee - Gary Kamboorian
Chaplain - Rev. Raymond Filipski
Lecturer - Walter A. Haase
of the

hall rental
The price is $750 for a 4-hour event. A $250 non-refundable deposit is required to lock in date.
Fill out the required information below. Please include your Name, Phone number, and Date You Are interested in.
One of our Council members in charge of hall rentals will respond promptly.
Thanks for your interest in our hall.
Benefits of Membership in the Knights of Columbus
· World’s largest Catholic, family-oriented, men’s benefits organization with over 1.8 million members.
· In 2012, Knights raised and donated over $167.5 Million and provided 70 million hours of volunteer service. In the past decade, the Knights contributed over $1.5 Billion to charities; donated 4 Million units of blood; and provided over 640 Million man-hours of volunteer service.
· Protection for members and their families through an insurance program with over $80 Billion insurance in force.
· Ranked #900 in Fortune 1000 in revenue and #725 in profitability.
Locally, Chief Justice White Council 2586…
· Conducts drives to support Birthright and New Jersey Right to Life.
· Collected and donated eyeglasses and used clothing to the needy living within our local area during the past year.
· Donates 100% of all money raised, such as for Intellectual Disabilities.
· Supports St. Joseph’s Food Pantry, local youth baseball/softball teams, American Heart Association and Deborah Hospital.
· Gives scholarships to local students attending Catholic High Schools
· Recognizes outstanding Scouts in our communities.
· Sponsors a Carmelite Seminarian
· Supports our Priests, Church, Communities, and Country.